Saturday, June 23, 2007

StudyTXT in NZ

An interesting site that Dot has just texted to me is and I have also read some info on the Apple learning Interchange Thinking again of our Gamilaraay language project found these text messages for sending txt to your mobile Maori greetings - suitable for tourists. Aimed to be listened to again and again for revision.

Reading through the FAQ's it is encouraged as an adjunct to study... interesting :-)

Spoke to a teacher a few days ago in NEI who texts his Cert 3 building students as prompts for sessions etc... This is different as with studyTXT students seek the downloads just as they would download a new ringtone etc So the cost then goes to the students rather than from the educational organisation. Described as a 'Pull' system as opposed to 'push' Lecturers of Aukland's Uni have small packets of 150 character information.

Very interesting reflections and feedback eg sharing text amongst students to cut costs (some plans have free txting), engaging students back to their study books :-)
An interesting addition to the learning and as stated not for all.

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